

The Brand Center system (the "System") is a system for the sharing, storage and management of digital marketing and branding assets (the "Assets") and guidelines (the “Guidelines”). These Terms of Use apply to and govern the use by employees, advertising agencies; sales agents and any other authorized third party partner and supplier.

Use of Assets

By logging onto this site, you agree to use the Assets available in an the manner as set below and undertake to comply with all usage rights and restrictions before repurposing or sharing assets.

Use of any Asset retrieved from the System will only be allowed in accordance with the usage rights and/or restrictions that are coupled to that Asset in the System. Please refer to the usage rights defined in the asset view page.

If you are unsure of the usage rights and/or restrictions of any Asset you wish to use (for example: online) please communicate with your appointed marketing contact or the Brand team.

When uploading an Asset, please describe and document in details the usage rights and restrictions attached to the Asset (e.g. copyright agreement, model authorization of use). It is mandatory to exactly define the scope of usage rights and/or restrictions, so others can use the Assets accordingly.

You acknowledge that by accessing the System you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, and acknowledge that all information residing in the System is our intellectual property or its third party suppliers, and that it may contain trade secrets. You shall treat such information as confidential unless instructed.

Access to the System

Only personnel, distributors and agencies will be granted usage access. In particular non-employees could be granted limited access for confidentiality reasons.

It is essential that authorized users comply with access control and security requirements as well as any instruction that may come from the proper use of the System.

At no time should you share your user ID and/or password with any other person and you should take reasonable steps to protect your access credentials at all times.

If you suspect that either your user ID and/or password has been revealed to another person or compromised in any fashion, please report this immediately to the system administrator.

Please notify your marketing contact as soon as it becomes known that you will be leaving the employment of your company.

Use of the System

You accept that all marketing information and assets contained in the System should be seen as the primary source of this class of information and supersedes all systems similar in nature.

You acknowledge that any transgression of these Terms of Use and other terms and conditions will result in the immediate suspension of your access to the System.

You agree that you will not use this site for any unlawful activity. You will not harvest, duplicate or redirect any information, traffic or content from this site. You will not bypass or attempt to bypass any security measures in place. You will provide accurate and truthful information when and where requested. You will not knowingly attempt or seek to disrupt or interfere with the workings of this site, either directly or through a third party, device or program.

We recommend that you do not use non-trusted third party or public use Internet access points to access the System. If circumstances dictate that you do, you acknowledge that you will clear all browsing history and cookies from the web browser prior to logging off.

We reserves the right to monitor at any time and without prior notice user access to and activity on the System in order to ensure compliance with these Terms of Use and the protection of our legitimate interests.

We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use from time-to-time, without notice, and you agree to be bound by such modifications. Accordingly, you should periodically review the most recent version of these Terms of Use.

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